Saturday, March 10, 2007

On Vacation in New Orleans

One of my focus areas from my personal development plan with my executive coach is work-life balance. I set a measurable goal of making sure I used my frequent flyer miles on a regular basis. This led my wife and I to visit New Orleans for a long weekend.

We just got back from dinner where we had the luck of running into some people from Anheuser-Busch. All over the city we've been seeing signs welcoming the Anheuser-Busch distributors to New Orleans. AB just released their celiac friendly RedBridge beer which is quite good. As Diana and I were eating dinner, we noticed about eight men with a lot of Budweiser bottles on the table. They had the waiter take a picture with them and they were all prominently holding up beer bottles. We finished up and walked outside where a few of them were having a smoke. I asked them if they worked for AB and sure enough they did. I thanked them for coming out with RedBridge which then started a conversation. They were friendly and one of them is actually about to become the product manager for RedBridge, very cool.

What are the odds of that happening? I would say extremely low, but what happened before dinner on our haunted New Orleans walking tour aka tour of horrors shows just what kind of luck I have.

At some point during the tour we are sitting on the steps of the court house hearing about hauntings there. At this point one lady points out to the guide that another guy on the tour is exposing his "junk" and some of her kids saw it. This guy was not alone, but had a few other men and women with him who pretended to not know him. At this point the guide sent them packing, but it was a surreal situation to say the least.

I also enjoyed some deep fried (in corn meal) pickles as you can see below. Yummy.

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