Random thoughts, everyday observations, for those who know me - a little bit of those random facts and figures I seem to collect. This does not represent the opinions of my consulting clients.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Where have all the adults gone?
1. The Shim-shamed - These are borrowers who had mortgage brokers et all falsify documents or outright lie to people to make the loan (purchase) happen.
2. The Speculators - These are borrowers who borrowed with the goal of making money on flips. Some used no-doc loans etc to buy homes to fix-up and sell quickly. Which works in rising markets, but "when the musics over turnout the lights. " The Doors
3. The Over-extenders - These are borrowers who bought as much as they could assuming some other positive economic shock (raise, etc) would occur that allowed them to re balance their finances. Or they weren't expecting a negative economic shock such as losing a job.
I think I've got the borrowers covered with these three segments. Now for the lenders.
I found a great article today on WSJ.com which had a link out to a graphical explanation of how the CDOs worked. It's a great visual that let's you go step by step. Take the time and follow the flow of the money and the securitized mortgages, you'll be shocked.
Reminds me of Enron.
The United States needs to re-examine it's priorities and citizens need to step-up and be adults. Take ownership for your mistakes (translation: don't expect the government to always come to the rescue if you're in category 2 or 3) and take care of yourself (translation: save for retirement).
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
Interview with Dan Nye CEO of LinkedIn on WSJ.com
Sunday, December 09, 2007
My First Facebook Beacon Encounter
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Loving the Roomba 570
It might not clean as well as a Dyson upright vacuum, but it does keep up with the dirt and dust. What I would like to see them do is figure out how to make the lighthouses smaller. Right now they are a bit obtrusive. Maybe something that's slim and sticks to your baseboard with Velcro.
The only disappointment so far is that the side brush has had two tines break off. I'll be contacting customer service about that.
Friday, December 07, 2007
Is this AdWords ad OK?
Using my Gmail account I came across a sponsored link - "

I clicked on it immediately to find out what this was all about. For some reason it struck me as odd that Nabisco would be giving away a free sample of Oreo Cakesters via AdWords.
You'll notice in the ad text is refers to nabiscoworld.com . Which if you visit you'll also notice is owned and operated by Kraft Foods.

Instead you end up on Yourproductsamples.com which is a co-registration path. I'm not sure that the cute Oreo characters would like to force an interested consumer through a gauntlet of offers.
Or maybe they don't want their brothers and sisters boxed up, shipped, and eaten by a hungry Internet surfer?

I read the Google AdWords Advertising Policies page and had trouble finding something that explicitly made this use not OK. I must be missing something.
Waiting for the Wii
I had waited in line during the summer and had no problem getting a Wii standing in line starting around 8am.
I told him I'd stop by and say hello as I walked past the store and followed the line, it was amazing. Grandmothers, mothers, fathers, kids, urban holiday arbitragers, and a few people who were could have been mistaken for homeless or they were very well equipped for outdoor urban living.
Why am I blogging about this? Because I read an interesting article on WSJ.com regarding Nintendo and their assumed strategy regarding the Wii. Lessons can be drawn from those faddish Tamagotchi toys. Check out the article if you subscribe.
Update: I just got the call, he missed one by about 100 people.
Monday, December 03, 2007
Social Networking for Stoners
The one that stuck out the most was Potspace, "the largest online marijuana community for weed smokers." The site is something else.
It never ceases to amaze me what people will do online.
3D Printing At Home - WSJ
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Sending Email Late Night
There is some interesting context provided by Google employees as well as other executives.
What struck me about this email is that it brings back my 360 feedback sessions with my direct and second level direct reports. I was guilty of sending emails at all times as well as being online at all times.
While I'd like to report that I don't send late night emails any more, I still do. I have explained to my directs and second level directs that they don't need to respond in the same time frame. Although I think the precedent I'm setting is still problematic. "Do as I say, not as I do."
Of course sometimes there are emergencies as my role is in advertising operations and the Internet advertising runs 24x7. In these cases I might drop a SMS message to a report's cell phone to check email asap.
I'm also starting to leverage the delayed send feature in Outlook that allows you to set the delivery time.
Re-opting Out
This time we could use a website to re-opt-out. The last time we opted out we both had to call a 800 number maintained by the credit bureaus.
If you dislike junk mail, dislike the wasted trees in all that paper then visit the website and opt-out.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Should be a good movie
I also appreciate that they made the trailer embeddable.
Monday, November 19, 2007
ThermaCare HeatWraps for Staying Warm Outside
ThermaCare lower back heat wraps. Wrap one or two of them across your torso and they help keep you warm for 8+ hours.
Here's the old fashion way of keeping warm - circa 1955.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Roomba 570 should be perfect for small retail stores
Irregardless as we were chatting with the owners it came up that it was difficult to find people to clean the store. I suggested they look into buying a Roomba as they could set it to run in the evening after the store closes.
It would be a simple and easy way for small retail shops to keep their stores clean. Sure you'd still need to dust items, but the floor could be vacuumed every night.
Next time I visit to order our dining room table I'll bug them about getting a Roomba.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
If subprime loans weren't enough
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Email Is Broken
Reading Saul Hansell's blog post on "Inbox 2.0" just further confirms a growing feeling in my gut. Email evolution stalled and others filled the gap created.
I liken email to the telephone, except it never really evolved or kept up with the evolution of the Internet.
Did it ever really embrace Web 1.0? Maybe recently with instant messaging being incorporated into the email services.
As Saul points out there hasn't been innovation on helping make the inbox more useful, helping you prioritize, etc.
The telephone has caller id, call waiting, voice mail, call forwarding, universal phone numbers, etc.
I know when I log into Facebook I will only see communications from my friends. There are no pharma spam ads, just the chatter of friends and old acquaintances.
Saul makes a great point that people might not have great expectations with email, but it's a universal communication tool that is not "owned" by a single company. I can join Gmail and email someone on Yahoo. Today that doesn't work between Facebook and MySpace for example.
If the majors want to capture email share they need to evolve the inbox and make it useful again. Most of them have all of the functionality that Facebook or MySpace has but it's spread out among various products. There is minimal integration.
What would happen if all of the functionality was added in and the velvet rope was setup?
Email is a universal communication tool, that needs to evolve. We need an arms race in the inbox to improve the functionality and relevance.
Business still runs on email, most companies have their own email server. I find it hard to imagine that every company would switch to Facebook for communication. Imagine new email tools that weave in social functionality, it's happening with xobni.com top of mind with me.
Apologies for the ads
Tags GONE.
It's 180 degrees from his day job
Monday, November 12, 2007
Another Great HBS Post
My Roomba 570 Maiden Voyage
Below is a picture of the dirt and dust it picked up. It'll be interesting to see what it picks up on Thursday. (Please ignore the leaks)

Sunday, November 11, 2007
The Roomba 570 has arrived
The co-op looks clean, but sure enough the collection chamber had a significant amount of dirt in it. I'll write more when it's fully up and running, but I'm impressed so far.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Business Class on Southwest?
Now they launched Business Select, apparently you pay a small premium which entitles you to board with the A group. I guess you don't need to race to print your board pass any longer. There is greater flexibility in changing your ticket as well as getting a full refund. You'll also earn more frequently flier points!
They also launched Business as well which doesn't have preferred boarding.
Smells like enhanced yield management.
Could it be that business travelers are competitive for the A slots and would gladly forgo $$s to skip the line?
Could the business traveler be the only people who earn free tickets normally and would pay the extra charge since it's really their business paying the cost?
Thoughts anyone?
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Google Maps coming to a gas pump near you
Initially it doesn't look like you'll be able to type in an exact address.
Monday, November 05, 2007
What is this world coming to?
Buying a Roomba online and watching the remarketing
Re-targeting me? YES, but I purchased one.
I purchased one through Google Checkout - my guess is there was no cancellation pixel on the thank you page.
Either way not a big deal, intent has been shown, so show me ads about the Roomba.
When people talk about better targeting for better ads, this is the first step. Much better than seeing an ad about punching a monkey.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Sunday, October 28, 2007
A Baltimore/DC Weekend
Diana and I celebrated my birthday Saturday night at Holy Frijoles in Hampden with Jon Alsop. Great dinner and some great artwork by Scott Fishpaw.
This was also my Johns Hopkins Second Decade Society weekend and for a few hours we reviewed various committee updates. There were some amazing donation statistics reviewed that completely blew me away. People just don't contribute to the school. Sure there is a percent that does, but the number has to be greater if we ever plan on growing our endowment. Something we'll have to work on.
This morning Diana and I stopped in the 7-11 in Hampden and sure enough I ran into a police officer who used to hassle our fraternity when we had parties.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Added the new Plaxo Pulse Widget
One other observation I've had is that the Amazon widget always seems to take forever to load. I wonder if that has to do with my page or is it a Amazon problem? Of my readers do you notice that the black Amazon widget to the right takes forever to load?
Sunday, October 21, 2007
WSJ stops by the Art of Shaving
Day of the shave - great
Day after - great
Two days after - my face was on fire
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Rawlings CEO's Secret to Success
His secret for success?
First, success is something you don't measure over 3 or 4 years you measure it over a career.
Second, something I don't like seeing is someone putting self interests before the company's interest. Think first what's good for the brand, think first what's good for the business and act accordingly. I guarantee you that your personal and professional career will grow at a faster rate then it would otherwise.
Great advice.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Some thoughts for the week so far...
"What's Your e-slope?"
Something to think about.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Keeping in touch and staying in-sync
My general rule of thumb for me to accept an invitation on LinkedIn is that I need to know you and your work. My LinkedIn's contact count will never equal my Plaxo count. It'll always be less.
I'm amazed at how many invites I get from people I don't know. We might work at the same company, but we've never met.
Anyway, I want to make sure everything is up-to-date.
I decide to use the new sync feature on Plaxo that logs into LinkedIn and pulls in all of the data. Then I run the super duper de-duper which found a large number of duplicates. There were many instances where the same person had vastly different contact information.
It seems people have profiles on Plaxo and LinkedIn and they are different and that causes some indigestion for Plaxo.
Maybe Plaxo should have a feature that checks your profile on other sites it syncs with to help fix your own syncing problem.
Testing out mobile bloging from
Friday, October 12, 2007
32D was not the seat I was looking for
I board the plane, find my seat, 32D, isle, last row, next to the toilets.
Next to me is a couple who proceed to complain to the flight attendant that their seats don't recline enough. The flight attendant replies, "one seat in that row is broken."
I look down and sure enough there is professional looking piece of duct tape covering the hole where the reclining button would normally reside.
First thing I asked for was a different seat, no luck - completely full flight.
They should have taken that seat out of service.
Thanks Delta - I'm exhausted today.
The only thing that could make the flight worse is someone is found to have TB on it.
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Two New Customers from Google Maps
Yes, I did write stylist, with my melon head I need an expert to cut my hair. In Baltimore I frequented a chain and on many occasions I detected alcohol on my barber's breath.
Earlier this summer I wanted to experience the business registration process on Google's Local Business Center so I offered to setup Special Effects of East Hampton.
Today when I walked in Elaine the owner, stopped me and said she had gotten two customers from Google.
I asked how she was so sure.
"They told me."
What took 10 minutes, resulted in 2 known customers. Not bad.
In the last 30 days 80 people have viewed Special Effects.
Related Posts:
Replicating the army of yellow page sales people
The Rude Hamptons Makes the Long Island Free Press
Thanks LIFP!
Monday, October 01, 2007
Had some minor surgery today
Please note this is not my toe.
Also please note this video is graphic in nature and should only be viewed by people who can handle live surgery.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
George Bush Senior on Amtrak Acela First Class
I'm sitting in my first class seat (only worth it if you have upgrade coupons) as the train pulls into Philadelphia. Facing the only entrance into the car I noticed two huge men in suits with buttons on their lapels board. They looked like security for someone.
Next person who walks on is the former president, George Bush. Then followed by another approximately six secret service people.
At one point I heard one agent ask if there was assigned seating. Guess they never ride Amtrak.
Everyone got off in NYC and as expected there were cops everywhere who kept the path clear as GW walked out to his motorcade.
Imagine being the person he sat next to, that would have to be an interesting ride.
Netbank Closed by the FDIC
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Moving RobDeichert.com to Blogger
Monday, September 24, 2007
My Summer of George
Apple had a solution, there was a person just selling touches with a portable credit card machine. Just received the receipt via email.
It's a cool little device, much smaller than my second generation iPod. More to come.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
WSJ Geek Squad Video
Friday, September 14, 2007
Good thing I don't have a second car right now
My Honda Element has come down with a flat tire at 8pm tonight. I go to change that said tire and the said tire lock key was no where to be found.
They were the last to use it when they rebalanced my tires.
I'll post more when I get through with them.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Remembering 9/11
They have set aside 25% of the profits for the families of the employees who were lost. $180 million.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Dining at Mr. Taco
Their guacamole is just amazing. They even import their soda from Mexico.
Having lunch there on Sunday we saw something that blew both of our minds. A family arrived with two girls who had to be 4-5 years old.
Each was drinking a Red Bull. While the small can proportionally looked more normal than a can of soda, I can't imagine what effect the caffeine would have on them.
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Essential Websites
Wolfgang's Vault is first on the list. Hands down this is my favorite place to listen to music online. AOL Music comes as a close second.
Weird Wild Stuff at Cittanuova
Apparently they were mating. I used my trusty cell phone to take a picture and video of this very public weird wild stuff.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007
How Can Flying Get Worse?
Some of my previous posts on Southwest traveling.
Are you in the A line?
Business Travel?
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Amazing TED video
Thanks Bill
Monday, August 27, 2007
What's Southwest Airlines New Strategy To Be?
That means they'll beat out American Airlines the champ for the past five years. All I can think about is the impact this will have on SWA as well as the rest of the airline industry.
The no-frills, alternative airport carrier is dominating.
As Scott Ferber, co-founder of Advertising.com, used to say, "It's a lot hard when you're number one." When you weren't number one you always had someone else to chase after.
Congrats SWA, you're about to be number one. What's the second encore?
Top on my list is a closer airport to NYC then Islip.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Favorite Posts This Week
MediaPost - feedback on YouTube's new video ad format.
PickTheBrain - 7 ways to become more action oriented.
Digital Thoughts @DMConfidential - Two great posts looking into the sub-prime debacle along with payday loans and credit cards. Part 2
Great BusinessWeek column on CEOs and Leadership
One of my favorite columns is The Welch Way which is in every issue written by Jack and Suzy Welch.
Two pages earlier in the September 3rd edition I found Outside Shot written by Henry S. Givray. The title of his article, "When CEOs Aren't Leaders."
"The problem's roots lie in the fact that the terms "CEO" and "leader" have mistakenly become synonymous. Nothing could be further from the truth. CEOs are measured by quantitative results. Leaders are shaped and defined by character. CEOs are expected to boost sales, improve profit margins, and make money for shareholders. Leaders inspire and enable others to do excellent work and realize their potential. As a result, they build successful, enduring organizations." - Givray
Givray points out that we have lost our way at many corporations where we have hired CEOs who are not leaders. I won't get into the three easy steps Givray lays out to fix the situation thats for you to read.
Either way this is a thought provoking article for anyone in a management position. It's beyond just being a manager, it's being a leader as well.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Jonny A's got a blog
Jon you've been added to my RSS reader. Correction: need to fix your feed, I can't find it.
The pigs are done

Sunday, August 19, 2007
Replicating the army of yellow page sales people
The implications of this are tremendous because as Google gathers hours of operations and category of business from which they can literally create custom trial packages of advertising for these businesses. They could even offer websites for them with templates for barbers or plumbers for example.
Imagine you're the owner of a plumbing company. You might get a letter or email from Google offering a geo-targeted package of keywords along with a hosted website that can gather all the information you need for you to help convert a new customer.
In my past exposures to the local business advertising market I noticed there is a fundamental challenge of access issue to the local businesses owner. Yellow page companies have an advantage of feet-on-the-street and a product they sell that works for many of their customers. The local YP sales representative has a personal relationship with their customer. There is a level of trust. This relationship makes up-selling additional offerings easy compared to trying to reach these customers some other way.
The local sales person knows the business, they know the hours, the geographical coverage.
With this strategy Google collects all the information in a structured format that will allow them to market in a one to one fashion to each local business in their fold. This could lead to unprecedented scale in accessing the small-medium business market.
The SMB market is hard to target and expensive. This could be a game changer.
The Family Pig Roast is On

Sunday, July 29, 2007
Impulse buying in children
Sitting there I watched a fascinating phenomenon. As kids bought tickets, I would first give them the tickets and then count out their change. Half the time the kids were running off before I could even give them their change. I had to yell at them to get them back to the booth.
The desire for one more pony ride or snow cone was so great they'd leave $15 in change behind.
Interesting to see considering what sometimes happens in online auctions where people bid over the retail cost of an item.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Yellowman at Stephen Talkhouse August 26th 8pm
Yellowman is playing at Stephen Talkhouse this summer on August 26th 8pm. This means 10 pm, but I'm excited to attend.
The Five Whys
Maybe it was the traffic on the LIE Westbound.
The conference taught the "five whys." It is a technique for finding the root cause of a problem.
Simple technique, you just keep asking why? Five times at a minimum.
Here's a hypothetical Internet advertising example.
Problem: The client is unhappy.
Why? Their campaign didn't launch on time.
Why? Their creatives weren't loaded and launched on time.
Why? Account management didn't collect the creatives on time.
Why? The agency couldn't send the creatives over on time.
Why? The agency did not get the creatives from the creative agency on time.
You can keep going past five whys, but you can see how this technique can quickly drill down to the root cause.
Added Favorite Podcasts
Manager Tools is a great podcast that I subscribe to via iTunes. Each podcast is about 30 minutes and they cover a variety of topics. You need to register to get the older casts.
Whether you're new to managing old or been at it for a while their podcasts will have some useful nuggets.
My biggest issue now is that my ipod and shuffle don't work. I need to buy a new one.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Back from Europe
Few things stood out in UK, DE, FR -
In London I called for a wake-up call, which I received by a human on the time I requested as well as a backup automated call ten minutes later. Nice touch.
Many products are labeled as being celiac safe. Make it much easier to get around.
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Westbound on 495 and North on the Hutch
We watched this man (driver) and woman proceed to cross in and out of the HOV lane illegally about a dozen times. Twice in front of police on the side of the highway. As they crossed the solid white lines stones and road debris was thrown up into the air.
I wonder if I video taped this behavior on my cell phone whether I could mail this into the police for a ticket?
He cut off a few people during the illegal lane changes, we were both expecting an accident.
After we watched this idiocy, we were stuck in traffic on the Hutchinson River Parkway and there we found a mSUV pulled off the road, with another car in the right line (two lane road each way) stopped talking to the person. The cars weren't visibly damaged, so I guess it makes it ok to cause delays for everyone.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
East Hampton Library Novel Night
Personally I'm torn because of two authors, Robert Caro and Renee Mauborgne. I can only attend one dinner with one author and both are great. My wife and I would like to attend the Blue Ocean Strategy dinner with Renee.
It's a great event and I highly recommend it if you have the time and money. The proceeds benefit the East Hampton Library.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Just back from watching Sicko
Wikipedia has a write up on the film as well as a write up on the controversies over it.
The thing that struck me the most about all of it was when they talked about the cost of a treatment. A person would say, "It costs $24K in the US, but it's free here." That maybe true from a patient out of pocket situation, but it costs someone something somewhere.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
TheRudeHamptons.com Makes Front Page News
Link to the article here.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Gone for a while, but I'm back now
This morning I ran into George from the Apprentice in Penn Station, NYC catching the Acela.
More thoughtful posts to come.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Dr. Monfried on Wallstrip
Interesting insight on social media advertising.
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Great Scoble video on how he reads 600+ feeds a day
Friday, June 01, 2007
Great Wallstrip chat with Alan Levy
Monday, May 28, 2007
What to do with our soldiers?
One of the veterans spoke about how Congress has money to allow illegal aliens to become citizens, but doesn't have money that could equip our soldiers with the latest equipment to help keep them safe while in Iraq.
I will be the first to admit I don't follow politics and these issues as much as I should. My days are loaded with Internet advertising issues.
This veteran's speech struck a cord with me.
In the business world if you want to end a project or division, you cut the budget, you redeploy the people or lay them off. You don't take away their safety goggles and tell them to keep using dangerous machinery. You don't close the plant and leave the workers in the plant.
What is Congress doing? If we want the troops out take them out. If you want them to stay, let them stay. Either way make sure they have the tools they need. Winding it down safely requires the right equipment, continuing to fight requires the right equipment.
Why can't they make the bills simple, they should cover a specific topic or issue.
Instead they layer on special interest projects. All of that money could be used to give the troops the right equipment. They could derail or delay the bill. Delaying critical support for the troops.
You can either support our efforts in Iraq or you may not.
Either way shouldn't we make sure our troops are properly prepared to face the enemy?
From my viewpoint the choice to be there vs the choice to properly fund our soldiers are separate issues.
Congress and the public should keep them separate.
What kind of tech user are you?
The Sunday Money and Careers section Personal Technology columnist Michael Himowitz highlighted the Pew Internet and American Life Project which surveyed 4,001 people and segmented them into 10 groups.
I took the quiz and I fell into the Omnivores group - 8% of the population.
What is an Omnivore?
From the Pew Site:
Basic Description
Members of this group use their extensive suite of technology tools to do an enormous range of things online, on the go, and with their cell phones. Omnivores are highly engaged with video online and digital content. Between blogging, maintaining their Web pages, remixing digital content, or posting their creations to their websites, they are creative participants in cyberspace.Defining Characteristics
You might see them watching video on an iPod. They might talk about their video games or their participation in virtual worlds the way their parents talked about their favorite TV episode a generation ago. Much of this chatter will take place via instant messages, texting on a cell phone, or on personal blogs. Omnivores are particularly active in dealing with video content. Most have video or digital cameras, and most have tried watching TV on a non-television device, such as a laptop or a cell phone.Omnivores embrace all this connectivity, feeling confident in how they manage information and their many devices. This puts information technology at the center of how they express themselves, do their jobs, and connect to their friends.
Who They Are
They are young, ethnically diverse, and mostly male (70%). The median age is 28; just more than half of them are under age 30, versus one in five in the general population. Over half are white (64%) and 11% are black (compared to 12% in the general population). English-speaking Hispanics make up 18% of this group. Perhaps unsurprisingly, many (42% versus the 13% average) of Omnivores are students.
Take the quiz and post a comment about your classification.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Is that a celiac bracelet?

About halfway into the ride I looked over and noticed the man sitting next to me had a green rubber bracelet. Ever since Lance Armstrong came out with the yellow bracelet there has been a proliferation of rubber bracelets for different causes.
Looked again with my 20/15 laser enhanced vision and saw that he was wearing the Celiac Awareness bracelet.
I asked him if he was celiac, he wasn't. His young son is celiac. We chatted for a while and he had some good restaurant suggestions in Westchester.
What's funny is that my wife always gives me a hard time about wearing the bracelet. I never thought I'd see one on my commute.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Stopping by the New York Transit Museum

Diana and I spent about three hours walking through the exhibits. They have a great balance between pictures and artifacts along with some hands on experiences.
The museum also has an exhibit for the creation of the Triborough bridge and Robert Moses. On a side note: Robert Caro wrote a great book about Robert Moses: The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York.
Since the museum is an old subway station, there is a platform where they have all of the old subway cars on display. You could walk through the old cars and they even had old advertisements in the cars.
One feature of the old cars that was personally striking to me was the pre-AC cooling systems. I took a few pictures of the old fans.
Exposed metal fan blades? That's a lawsuit waiting to happen.
Maybe in the past people were smarter - they knew not to put their hands into the spinning metal blades. Or maybe we've become less astute over time as the fans in a future version have cages protecting them.

Diana and I highly recommend a visit to this museum.
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Save NetRadio
I'm making a call to my representative tomorrow. I suggest everyone who listens to Internet radio make the call. Sure it takes some time, but royalties should be fair.
WSJ.com Video on Yahoo MSFT speculation
Interesting comments regarding culture issues.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Wait Please Don't Steal My E-ZPass
I've heard the excuses before for not mounting your E-ZPass in the proper window location.
"Somebody might steal my E-ZPass."
Let's think about this one, how many thieves would steal the pass and proceed to open an illegal cab operation and drive people repeatedly across the George Washington Bridge?
How long would they get away with this? (Yes, I know you're responsible for any charges until you report it stolen or lost as well as a replacement fee.)
OK, so let's assume that theft is a valid concern. The nice E-ZPass people provide a Velcro like solution which would allow you to remove your E-ZPass whenever you want.
I'm concerned about the lanes that allow people to drive through at speeds varying from 5 mph to 15 mph and the non-mounters stopping their cars and waving their pass around.
How many accidents occur? How much time does this waste for others?
How to cut food on a plate while standing
(This would be helpful for those summer picnics or dinner parties where there aren't enough tables to go around.)
What to do?
Assuming you cut with your right hand you can do the following:
Step 1: Hold the plate with your right hand.
Step 2: Take the fork in your left and maneuver the item to be cut near the center of the plate. (Note this assumes you're using a small plate, bigger plates require off center placement)
Step 3: Now take the fork and place it on top of the item to be cut. The tines of the fork should be pointing down and pressing into the item to be cut.
Step 4: Take your left hand and grab the plate such that your thumb rests on top of shaft of the fork. If you've done this correctly you are now apply pressure to the item so it won't move.
Step 5: Proceed to cut the item with your right hand.
Step 6: Take your right hand holding the knife and grab the plate. Pick up the fork with your left and eat.
Wine Spectator's Grand Tour at the Borgata - Atlantic City
Two hundred and eighteen different wines to sample. Too many wines. They also had a nice buffet laid out with cheeses, meats, and pasta. The wines were amazing, there were champagnes, whites, reds, and ports. We both enjoyed some of the New Zealand varieties as well as the ports.
The event lasted from 7 pm to 10 pm although we left at 9 for dinner at Specchio.
There are a few things I would suggest they change for the next event.
First, they had no places for people to eat, maybe some bar height tables would have helped. Instead people were camped out sitting on the floor in corners eating their food. This looked odd for such a nice event.
This leads into my second suggestion of only providing food that doesn't require a plate. You had people holding a wine glass, a plate, and somehow had to put the food in their mouth. I grabbed some meat that required cutting, Diana had to hold my wine glass, while I improvised a new technique for holding a plate and cutting meat simultaneously. I have another post that shows how this is done in case you find yourself in a similar bind.
Even with a few drawbacks, it was a great event and we'd attend again if it is held in our neck of the woods.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Plaxo Mobile Plus Is Indispensible
I also purchased VZW's mobile office kit so I could sync up my phone's address book with Outlook. That was a disaster, I could not get it to work. I called tech support which only helped to waste an hour of my time and increase my frustration level. Anyway, it's on the way back to VZW for a full refund.
Next step was to figure out how I could automate the populating and maintenance of my phone's address book. I found Plaxo Mobile Plus, $4.99 a month plus airtime, but it works great. I'd already been using Plaxo Online for years, all I needed to do was mark the contacts that I wanted on my phone.
Sure almost $60 a year seems steep, but it's slick and easy.
Interesting Smith School Research
Grand Central Terminal Going Green?
Someone changed them out.
If there is someone out there who can quantify the number of bulbs changed or what happened, much appreciated.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Thank You For Buying a Pair of Shorts
On behalf of everyone at Jos. A. Bank, we thank you for your recent purchase.
to date Apr 22, 2007 8:00 PM subject Thank you from Jos. A. Bank
At Jos. A. Bank, we pride ourselves on the outstanding quality of our products and our tremendous customer service. We hope your experience at Jos. A. Bank was a pleasant one and that we met all your expectations.
We look forward to serving all your clothing needs in the future. Again, we thank you for your patronage!
Michael XXXX
Light Street
Recruiting at George Washington University
This past Thursday I had the privilege of attending the
Finding talent, let alone great talent to hire is tough. Unemployment is low and there are plenty of companies looking to hire. In the DC area there are many consulting firms looking to hire graduates. I believe we were the only media company recruiting at the event and some students were excited to speak to us, to
Some told us they were specifically there because of
Watching my team in action, answering questions and showing the passion they had about their positions at
While none of us were GW graduates, I know I have some on my team and next time I hope they can attend. Graduates at these events bring a legitimacy that can’t be matched. You were in their shoes at some point in the past.
I’m looking forward see if my team hires some of the people we spoke with.
Ten Year Johns Hopkins Reunion
This weekend was my tenth year reunion for my undergraduate degree at Johns Hopkins in
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Clams Casino on Amtrak Acela
What does first class on Amtrak Acela include? Free beverages and a hot meal at your seat.
My wife ordered the bouillabaisse which had lobster and shrimp in it.
It looks good, but I hope it isn't a repeat of the clams casino episode in the Seinfeld diner.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Support the Highline Park Project
What's On Your BlackBerry?
Right now I can't install any third party applications, but hopefully I can figure this out soon.
What's On My BlackBerry?
My Applications:
Google Talk - If you have a Gmail account, you're already aware of Google Talk. The nice feature is that it does not use SMS to send and receive messages. It uses the data connection and with an unlimited data plan you're covered. It even works with Twitter.
Google Maps - This installs on your BlackBerry and gives you access to normal maps, satellite, as well as traffic. You can search for business and get directions. It's super helpful and just like Google Talk, it's free and piggybacks on your data plan.
Google Gmail - This is an installed application which gives you quite a bit of functionality to read and action upon your Gmail.
My Bookmarks:
Google Reader - In the last couple months I've embraced RSS and have used feeds to help my productivity and keep me in the loop on various things. Google's Reader is easy to navigate and I can catch up on my feeds while commuting on the train or riding in a taxi. I need to check out the AOL Feedreader, from what I've seen it has more customization features.
Amtrak - Essential if you travel the Northeast corridor.
Southwest - Essential to ensure you get your A boarding pass. Check-in through your Blackberry.
FlyFAA Plain Text - Great way to find out if there are weather delays on your flights.
HopStop - Essential for navigating the subways in NYC and other major cities.
MapQuest - If I need directions displayed all at once, MQ is great. MapQuest is my standard computer mapping choice, but for quick looks at a map I'm using Google Maps on my BlackBerry.
AOL Mail - When I need to check my non-work AOL account, I would equate the interface to be comparable with Google's Gmail web interface.
I'm curious to know what other people find essential on their BlackBerrys.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
AOL Using FeedBurner
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Trying out Amazon Unbox on TiVo
So far I've rented the past tv episode of 30 Days - Outsourcing, the movies World Trade Center and Miami Vice. Just ordered Catch a Fire and Fast Food Nation.
One downside is that your rental is only good for 24 hours, start playing your rental and you've got 24 hours to watch it as many times as you want.
You get full DVD quality downloaded to your TiVo box, the World Trade Center movie was a 2.72 gigabytes.
I haven't purchased a video yet, but apparently there is an online media center at Amazon were you can re-download it at your pleasure.
This is a great service, still trying to determine whether on-demand cable is better, same, or worse.
Supply and Demand on the web - economics of Google - great post
Worth taking the time to read.
Monday, April 09, 2007
It's time to start golfing
Yes I do realize that it's a driving range, but since I hear consistency in your swing is critical what's better then being able to hit a bunch of golf balls in a row? They also have simulated holes out on the range so you can actually take aim.
I signed us up for a clinic this morning and we're off to two hour long classes during the week in the evening and then a private half-hour lesson.
After that we'll be off to hit on some real grass.
Sunday, April 08, 2007
PodCampNYC Recap Part 1
As I mentioned before, Diana and I attended PodCamp NYC yesterday in New York City. It was a free un-conference (sponsor supported), with multiple sessions per hour running 9am to 6pm. We were both looking to learn more about blogging since we both blog, me with this blog, and Diana with CeliacFoodReviews.com. When we originally signed up it was marketed as blogging and pod casting focused. It was definitely slanted towards pod casting, but many of the sessions about various aspects of pod casting apply the same to blogging.
I'll recap the sessions and some of the key learnings. I'll also post links because part of the rule of this un-conference was that anyone could film etc. So there should be some high-quality video up online of the sessions soon.
First session - Social Media Convergence and Virtual Worlds - Joseph Jaffe, Greg Verdino, Mark Wallace, Johnny Ming, and Adam Broitman
We both found this particularly interesting because it touched on a part of the Internet that neither of us visit. During the panel, they had SecondLife up on the screen where they actually had setup an area with booths for all of the sponsors. We watched a presentation being projected on a screen in SecondLife. They talked about companies and their presence in virtual worlds.
Some quotes that stood out for me (I'm not a reporter, so these are as close as possible)
"A campaign has a start and end date, consumers do not, " J Jaffe.
"We live in a world of partial attention - people are twittering, emailing, while sitting up here on this panel," Greg Verdino.
Second session - What's Next? A discussion for looking ahead - Andrew Baron and Joanne Colan of Rocketboom (one other person as well, didn't catch his name)
Andrew started the session off with an interesting slide show showing the progression of technology and communications. The sound on the recording is a bit faint, but you do get to see some of his slides. There was an interesting discussion of a firm offering real-time translation captioning of video casts. I believe it was 8 languages simultaneously. Also some discussion of censorship in China as well.
More to come...
Execution vs Vision with Mitchell Caplan, CEO of ETrade
#1 Key to Success - "Not only for me, but truly for the management team it's about tactical execution... Every time I hear a CEO pontificate endlessly about vision, I would go back and short the stock, and every time I really can see true proof of execution that's what makes success." - Mitchell Caplan
While at the surface this is a strong statement, is Mitchell saying vision isn't important?
No, endlessly is the key word.
Once you have vision, you then need to execute that vision.
Friday, April 06, 2007
Heading down to PodCamp NYC tomorrow
I'll have more details tomorrow.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Dark Side Of The Moon OZ Video Mashup
What I did find while catching up on my magazines was a Rolling Stone magazine featuring an article on Pink Floyd, one of my favorite bands. We know the magazine click-through rate is low (someone typing a url from a magazine into a browser), but in this case they caught me with this video mash-up.
I've never had the opportunity to watch the Wizard of Oz and listen to Dark Side of the Moon which supposedly seem to follow each other. Rolling Stone matched up a few sections. Definitely interesting to watch - click here.