This got me thinking.
What if...
- movie studios allowed Netflix to burn DVDs on demand
- Netflix used their predictive algorithms to burn in the right previews, they could rotate DVDs out on a regular basis to keep the previews fresh and relevant
- since movie theaters already show commercials (movies and non-movie items) they could stitch in commercials, they would have some idea of viewing stats
- combine previews that are super relevant and have some ads in there as well and you've got an engaged audience
- movie studios could license the predictive insight to put better previews on DVDs they sell in stores, thus driving more demand for their products
- Netflix takes Profiles one step further and gives recommendations for multiple watchers. I know some movies I like my wife hates, it goes both ways. By taking in the ratings and who's watching there would be some great demographic data for studios and advertisers.
- Netflix predictive data was licensed by retailers to help determine product layout on shelves in brick and mortar and online power the you might also want to buy.
Just some thought starters...